Ways to support them during their studies

How you can continue supporting them - whether they're still living at home with you or have moved away.

The start of term is always a busy and exciting time! We understand that their wellbeing will be one of your main concerns, particularly during the early stages when they're adjusting to their new environment. Please rest assured that our teams are here to help them settle in, and throughout their time with us. 

If they're living on campus, it’s good to give them some space to allow them to settle into their new routine and make new friends. We suggest texting them in the first week, rather than phoning, so they can answer when they're free. There will be lots of activities and events going on - all these can be found in the Keele App in the 'What’s On' section - so please encourage them to make the most of these opportunities to meet other students, make friends and try something new. 

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Here are some of our frequently asked questions...

The answer to this is yes, absolutely! Many of our students are local and commute in as necessary for their course.

We completely appreciate that making friends is a key part of the student journey and enables new support groups and future lifelong relationships. There are lots of opportunities for everyone to get involved and make friends, just remind them to head to the Keele App ('What's On' section) for more information.

If they'll be living at home with you throughout their studies, please encourage them to independently manage their own social and financial lifestyle as much as possible.

Ask them! Due to data protection laws and as our students are over the age of 18 (so legally classed as adults), we are not allowed to release any information about academic progress, attendance or anything else without the explicit consent of the student. If your son or daughter has a disability and wants your involvement in arranging disability-specific support, they can complete a 'Consent To Share' form.

University work can be challenging, and even the brightest, most hardworking students may struggle. If they tell you they are struggling academically or emotionally, try to find out why. Every undergraduate and postgraduate-taught student at the University has an academic mentor. This member of staff supports the student’s personal and general academic development and provides a personalised point of contact with the University.

Find out more about Student Services at Keele here.

All students moving to Keele or the local area are encouraged to pre-register online with Keele Practice (health centre). The Practice is located on campus, allowing students easy access to a GP if and when needed. All students are asked to provide emergency contact information during their enrolment too. It is very important that the personal address information your GP holds is up to date.

We also provide students living on campus with guidance on how to look after their health while at University.

It is normal for anyone moving away for the first time to feel homesick. Some students might find they don't keep in contact with family and previous friends as much as they thought they would. Some will be in contact daily, whilst others may go much longer without being in touch. Support them by encouraging them to get involved and learn to be more independent. For example, there are diverse clubs and societies to join and many volunteering opportunities too. Find out more at keelesu.com/activities. Some suggestions for how you can help them:

  • Try to reassure them that homesickness is quite normal, and that they are likely to feel better if they stay and work through it, rather than returning home at the first opportunity. Of course, each person is different, and you are often best placed to know how they are coping with the changes.
  • Try not to worry if you don't hear from them as much as you thought you would. You could agree a weekly point of contact, whether it's FaceTime, a text or a phone call to reassure you they are OK.
  • If they talk about coming home, try and encourage them to stay at Keele and arrange to visit them instead. 
  • Remind them of the diverse support services available to them too – for example, everyone staying in our halls of residence has the Residence Life team to support them, including live-in Resident Advisers available during evenings and weekends. If they're living at home, encourage them to get involved with campus life through societies, volunteering, or even part-time work.

Please try to discuss any concerns with them directly and encourage them to access support from the University. If you have any serious concerns, please contact our Student Services team - we can make contact and help them to access further support provided by the University. Please note that we cannot provide specific details about your child without their explicit consent, however we have processes in place to follow up on any concern raised to check on the welfare of a student.

You can find out more about the action we will take to support students living in our halls on our Residence Life Support and Guidance pages.

T: +44(0)1782 734481

E: student.services@keele.ac.uk

UK students who plan to study at a university in the UK can apply for a student loan through the Student Loans Company. Student loans are made up of two parts: 

  1. Tuition fees – this is the money that you pay to a university to cover teaching costs and the cost of student services such as the library and student support. The tuition fee is paid directly to the university each term so the student cannot spend it by mistake.
  2. Maintenance loan – this is the money that the student can borrow to cover their living costs. Most of this will be spent on their accommodation if they are living away from home, but they will also need money to spend on food, transport, socialising and other day-to-day expenses.

There is additional government funding available for those in special circumstances, such as the Disabled Students' Allowance.

If your child has any concerns about what funding they are entitled to or managing their money, please advise them to contact Student Financial Support.

Alongside the above, Keele awards financial scholarships and bursaries. Find out more about funding and support on these web pages.

Acronyms and terminology

Here's a quick table with some of the terms you might hear as part of academic life.


What it means


Undergraduate degree, Masters etc. (i.e. a qualification!)


Clinical Education Centre (Based at the hospital site – home to many of our clinical courses)


A numerical value attributed to the completion of a module, usually 1 credit = 10 learning hours. At Keele, modules are normally multiples of 15 credits


Exceptional Circumstances - unforeseen issues which adversely affect a student’s academic performance


Foundation Year


Higher Education Achievement Report - a detailed transcript given to undergraduates when they leave


Keele Learning Environment – an online portal to various functions, incl. committee sites


Shorthand for the level of study of a module or award, e.g. undergraduate, as defined in the FHEQ


A quality checking process whereby a second marker ensures that marking standards are appropriate


Postgraduate Research


Postgraduate Taught


"Philosophiæ Doctor" - Doctor of Philosophy


Collection of modules leading to an award


Student Voice Representatives - elected reps for each programme and year

